Asset Tracing

Need to Trace Hidden Assets? Time is Critical: Get in Touch Today.

Asset Tracing

Some people will go the extra mile to hide their wealth in the belief that a spouse, creditor or even the courts won't come after them, and if they do, they plead poverty in a deliberate attempt to avoid paying their debts, or try to prevent justice or a fair outcome from being carried out.

There are myriad reasons why people hide assets, but most commonly are:


If you are negotiating a divorce settlement and you believe your spouse is hiding assets, such as money, property, businesses, shares, cars or boats, our investigators can trace them.

It is important to note that during a divorce settlement both parties are required to provide a full financial disclosure. If you do not do so, you also commit a fraud and criminal proceedings can be brought.

Pending or Post Litigation

Someone may hide assets in anticipation of litigation, attempting to deceive and give the impression they have nothing to offer. This can also be the case following a court's award in the creditor's favour.

New business partner

You want to check out the validity of a new business partner prior to a prospective business merger to identify the true worth of the person you are dealing with.

Debt Recovery

You wish to check that a debtor has the means to pay a debt prior to initiating court action, a pre-sue report will provide you with peace of mind.

Asset Trace Instruction

Complete the Asset Trace Instruction Form and we'll do the rest.

How can we help?

We will identify hidden assets owned by a spouse, debtor or current and/or prospective business partner, allowing you to make informed business decisions, secure payment of a debt or obtain a fair financial settlement.

Once we have gathered all of the relevant information from you and after careful analysis, we will present you with a cost-effective strategy that is best suited to your circumstances.

We are acutely aware that asset tracing is time critical, so we aim to identify and provide accurate, up-to-date information as quickly as possible. We will attempt to identify the following information:

• Property ownership, both in the UK and abroad.
• Business ownership and directorships, both in the UK and abroad.
• Investments and/or shares in other companies.
• Ownership of luxury cars, boats and other high value assets.

We are often instructed to impose our Covert Surveillance Services to obtain a detailed pattern of life of the subject, obtaining crucial evidence of an extravagant lifestyle often leads us to other people of interest, businesses, properties and other tangible assets!

There is also the option to use a Freezing Order, which can be served on an individual or an organisation. This is a highly complex legal matter and you should seek legal advice quickly.

We will keep lines of communication open throughout our investigations and will advise you immediately of any developments.

Once we complete our enquiries and if we find evidence of hidden assets, we will provide you with a detailed report with irrefutable evidence, allowing your legal team to pursue the subject and secure the payment of a debt or obtain a fair financial settlement.

All of our Asset Tracing and Covert Surveillance Services are conducted by highly skilled, professional investigators who work within the parameters of the law and to strict codes of conduct. Rest assured, you are in safe hands.

Do you require our Covert Surveillance Services? Get in Touch

Contact us for your FREE consultation

Or complete the Quick Enquiry Form above, or:
Call us on 0121 270 7504 - 020 7859 4240 or 07572 914 272 or e-mail

Quick Enquiry Form